The locum is the person who fulfills the duty of another person on a temporary
basis. The locum doctors are the persons who work in place of the regular
physician - the locum person conducts his duty when the other doctor is absent.
They also provide locum service when a hospital is short staffed. Even
though they work as a locum they are bound by all types of rules of the
governing bodies even though their positions are temporary. The word locum is
arrived from the Latin word - such professionals are mostly found in countries
like Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa
The locum is mostly found in Australia - the locum
doctors are supplied by various private agencies. This is done with the help
of a national frame work agreement with various private agencies - there are
more than 51 private agencies which provide the locum doctors. In the recent
news you would heard about the announcement of emergency budget which has been
declared in the Australia. The NHS is trying to find ways where they can cut the
costs so that they preserve various hospital departments. There are many
permanent doctors who are opting for the locum positions because they feel that
being a locum is more financially viable and also the person can obtain the
required experience which can take the person towards the next phase of their
There are many benefits of becoming the locum doctors - here are some of them -
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There are many benefits of becoming the locum doctors - here are some of them -
- In case of fixed doctors you have a very limited area to perform but in case of locum doctor service you have a wider spread and scope of work. You can also learn different modes of management as compared to other fixed doctors.
- The locum doctors are very high in demand and they will always have work. There is not a single day where the hospital will have a fixed doctor who is on an off - so there is no dearth of work. The locum doctors are also called by the hospitals when the medical students or the permanent doctors go for the study leave.
- In case of fixed doctors they are paid fixed salaries along with certain emoluments - but in case of locum doctors they are paid on hourly basis and hence you can earn more than a permanent doctor.
- The work of the locum doctor very varied they are not fixed - they can do all types of work which will make them more confident. Such training is the best since they can work across all departments and specialty sections. Hence you are able to get a large spectrum of life within a short span of time.
- The locum doctors who are working for a long term in varied departments are able to get better references and contacts for the future. This will help the locums to progress in particular areas.
- The locum doctors can work for flexible hours and hence can work in more than one place. This will help them to earn better and more as compared to the fixed doctors.
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